Wednesday 21 February 2018

More 3D Art

Final Fantasy XIV Lamian Progress Report

Holy cow! So this month has been SUPER busy I had to start writing this ahead of time. I’ve made huge leaps in terms of progress, though it’s mostly older content. I did however get my Tanking feet very wet while grabbing the achievement for the Tank Relic (Yes those damn things again!). However, technically, it was before that with farming Garuda to grab NIGHTMARE the final pony I needed and after three LONG years, I finally have the damn thing! 

I suck like real bad, couldn’t hold aggro against Garuda, though I suspect a level 53 vs several level 60’s or above was in for trouble anyways! In the end I switched out to my relax class which seems to have become Summoner. I still main Scholar of course and will continue to do new content as a Scholar, but when I don’t need the pressure, or am in no particular rush, I tend to favour Summoner.
I also Tanked through Amdapor Keep, which in itself is a major step away as the only other dungeon I’ve done was Sastasha and well that’s not really hard! No one died so there’s that, took a little longer than normal but I wasn’t pulling big groups, I doubt I even could. I need to figure how to manage HP before I start trying to be a hero. So then I’ve also done the kettle quest from A Realm Reborn I don’t even know why I just wanted the in game achievement I guess? And started working on the Tank Mount as well. So lots of miscellaneous progress there. 

So what beyond that, erm, well Armourer and Blacksmith are both level 45 now so they are the final two Disciple of the Hands bvelow 50. Not really sure how my crafting and gathering classes all ended up at 50 before my combat classes but there you have it. Fisher and Botanist are both now above 50 as well. It’s actually surprising how quick you can level Fisher under the right conditions especially with boost of upto 200% exp! I’ve seen fish yield as much as 50k exp in a single go.
I also for some reason beyond my own comprehension decided to do the Kettle to the Metal quest, a variation of the Relic Quest from A Realm Reborn, so a time sink of around 3 hours later and I earn myself an outdoor Housing item! Well at least I can brew my guests a cup of tea now.

With the Fishing I was also able to do the Beast of Brewers Beacon Quest and net another achievement. Seems I’m rapidly wrapping a few of these up this month! Meaning a lot of this month was spent wrapping up achievement based quests, and working toward various bits and pieces, like my gear upgrades, capping Mendacity every week can be a chore! Speaking of which I also finishing the Zhloe chain as well and was able to move onto M’Naago’s custom delivery chain. Not nearly as simple as Zhloe’s!
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